How we do it

Our approach is to promote solidarity amongst people by establishing a foundation, creating the organisational framework to give as many people as possible the access to participate actively in the development of the country and the creation of their own future.

Human Rights and Gender Equality, economic and social empowerment of people, environmental sustainability and awareness of current world issues are cross-cutting themes to all ADPP-GB programmes.

ADPP-GB believes that every person has the same right to the best possible life, meaning people need to join forces, agree to move forward and support each other in creating an environment where all have a good life, and each person contributes and is part of the local and global community.

ADPP-GB implements projects in 4 main programmes:

  1. Education
  2. Agriculture & Environment
  3. Health
  4. Economy and Entrepreneurship

Human diversity is essential for development and therefore inclusion is key for creating a world where everyone is actively involved in shaping the future.


Education is an important pillar in development both for the individual and on the community and society level. Even more so in the times of today with Climate Change, and the health challenges.

It is about getting knowledge, building understanding and acquiring skills in a global world, which increases interdependency daily.

That is why ADPP-GB invests in education.

Educating is a task that requires the effort of several actors. It is therefore considered one of the important pillars of social and human development.

Education must be an igniting inspiration and skills experience for the whole life, with which to carry for life and decades to come with the community. The people in the community are the test and inspiration in the daily work.

Students have longer periods of community practice as part of their training both at the ADPP Teacher Training College, Bachil and the ADPP Vocational School, Bissorã.

Guinea-Bissau is a country with fragile education and low financing capacity. The response to the lack of teachers, especially in rural areas, is critical for the education system.


teachers have graduated from ADPP Teacher Training College, Bachil


students have graduated from ADPP Vocational School, Bissorã

Agriculture and environment

Small-scale farmers play a crucial role in securing food for their families and communities, thus contributing to the country's economy and fighting global warming and climate change by producing locally.

ADPP-GB has been working with Farmers’ Clubs since 2008, using the Farmers' Clubs methodology with thousands of farmers constantly developing the Agriculture and Environment programme to connect food security with protecting the environment and recycling resources.

Most rural farmers are women, their training and capacity-building promote equality, influence, economic earning, and independence and strengthen their participation in the communities. This is highly reflected in our Farmers' Clubs approach.

Professionalising agriculture work and organisation open a better perspective for the community youths.

ADPP-GB invites youths explicitly from the communities to join agricultural skills training programs with the perspective of getting their life career in this profession.

Every farmer trained is an active planted seed in fighting off global warming and climate change while achieving food security.


people reached in 2023

ADPP-GB is grateful for the support from the partners European Union in Guinea-Bissau, African Development Bank, Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) & Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Humana People to People partners and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.


Community knowledge, awareness and capability are the first line of defence to secure healthy living.

Epidemics and environmentally created diseases constitute a major setback for education, economic development, and life quality. Often women and children are the worst hit.

ADPP-GB practises comprehensive community and house-to-house mobilisation for people to understand and practise epidemic prevention.

People and communities train in epidemic self-defence, boosting health and good locally-based nutrition practices to be in control of their own lives.

Guinea-Bissau is a highly HIV-TB burdened country. In 2020, there was a 12% increase in people diagnosed with HIV infection and TB according to the TB dashboard.

ADPP-GB has integrated health into the Farmers Clubs program. Health is the foundation of being able to produce and care for One’s family and community.

In 2009, ADPP-GB implemented an HIV/AIDS program called TCE, Total Control of the Epidemic in Guinea Bissau and from here ADPP-GB has used the experiences going into other programmes with the goal of “ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all ages”.

In 2023, the health programmes were implemented with contributions and cooperation from the European Union, DHAPP, Ministry of Public Health (HIV/TB program Global Fund), UNFPA, Plan International, UNAIDS, Coalition Plus, GAT, CNAPN and Humana People to People partners.

The armed forces are living in barracks close to the community and often away from their families. This increases the risk of spread of HIV.

Basic trust is needed to minimise stigma and discrimination in caring for the sick and vulnerable in the communities.

Since 2018 ADPP-GB Field Officers and the military's Peer Educators have been pivotal in reaching out to the military population in the barracks.


people reached with standardised HIV prevention messages


people got tested and received their results

Viral Load testing/suppression and index testing targets are behind.

ADPP-GB team and the armed forces are working together to mobilise index partners and increase the Viral Load testing. Furthermore, the ADPP-GB team supports the military team in securing systems and equipment needed to spur viral load testing and suppression.

The project with the Armed Forces in Guinea Bissau continues until September 2027 and is supported by, DHAPP (US Department of Defence HIV/AIDS prevention program), The Ministry of Health and Humana People to People Partners.

Universal access to treatment with respect to Gender and Human Rights and by so doing, people take control of their own health, preventing new HIV & TB cases.

People have limited access to health services, and this impacts mostly children and women. ADPP-GB work together with partners and communities, to facilitate and bridge the gap with the Ministry of Health.

ADPP-GB has since 2021 worked in cooperation with the organizations RENAP, AGMS, AGUIBEF, the Military and the Ministry of Health in creating awareness about TB and HIV.


street vendors increased their understanding of HIV & TB


students mobilised about the prevention of HIV and TB


pregnant and new mothers mobilised by 43 mentoring mothers

According to WHO, TB remains an emergency threat to the public health system with an estimated 7,400 cases. Therefore, strengthening the knowledge about the prevention and treatment of TB is important for public health.

Thus 186 Community Health workers improved their understanding of TB in the support of the communities.


people reached in 2023

The project is supported by The Ministry of Health (HIV/TB program Global Fund), GAT and Humana People to People Partners.

Economy and entrepreneurship

People in Guinea-Bissau are highly entrepreneurial, and families and development in the country depend on that. The different ADPP-GB methodologies and services support groups and individuals, in acquiring the understanding and skills to do a successful business.

Entrepreneurship training is included in the ADPP Vocational School, Bissorã, ADPP Teacher Training College, Bachil, and the Farmers Clubs program, which support groups and individuals in acquiring understanding and entrepreneurship skills.

105 young people trained in 15 days of Entrepreneurship supported by the African Development Bank.

In addition, 60 youth trained in entrepreneurship are supported by IFAD.

WACOMP Idea Centre, with the support of UNIDO, has supported the entrepreneurship office at the Vocational School, where youths will be supported to apply for jobs.

The Farmers’ Clubs programs have two purposes: securing the family's food and a better economy, including entrepreneurship training and processing, which empower women to be economically sustainable.

The Entrepreneurship programmes were implemented with contributions and cooperation from UNIDO, African Development Bank, IFAD, Humana People to People Partners and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Guinea-Bissau.



Cashew nuts are part of the cash crop and main export in Guinea-Bissau.

Most farmers have 1-2 hectares of cashew nuts as cash crops.

ADPP cashew plantation was hired out in plots of 4,15 ha to 147 farmers who are earning a surplus while paying a fee to ADPP-GB.

A 7-person plantation team operated throughout 2023 to secure and improve the value of the asset, which the plantation represents.

In 2023 the farmers produced 200 tons of raw cashew nuts. Most farmers delivered the cashew nuts to the cashew-processing centre owned and operated by ACACB (Associação de Clubes de Agricultores Comercial de Bissorã)

Around 60% of the production is processed and sold to Naturkost Ernest Weber, and the other 40% is sold on the local market.

The factory is working on getting more local customers and securing production in 2024.


ADPP Fundraising, 2nd Hand Clothes & Shoes sales in Guinea-Bissau

ADPP-GB is engaged in creating sustainable development through the sale of second-hand clothes.

By protecting the environment through the reuse of textiles and shoes. It creates jobs and improves the living conditions for the traders and their families so they can send their children to school and secure their families.

That is why the 2nd Hand Clothes & Shoes sale is fundamental in our program bouquet, both for the economy and for environmental protection and sustainability on a global level.

The clothes are sold in big and small bales. By creating the sorting centre in 2020 the clothes are sorted into 145 categories in bales from 15kg, 22,5kg or 45kg which facilitate the vendor's needs. On top of this, it creates 18 jobs in the production.

The project is operated according to an agreement with the Government of Guinea-Bissau.

Since 2023, the 2nd Hand Clothes & Shoes Project has sorted the clothes into categories. This was convenient to the vendors as they got the quality and supply of what they needed in their business.


tons were sold


tons were sorted into small bales