ADPP Guinea-Bissau

ADPP Guiné-Bissau is a national organization operating in the country since 1981 with interventions focused on rural areas, the most vulnerable and those most affected by poverty.



Creation of Economic, Social and Cultural Development in communities based on Solidary Humanism, establishing projects through which development is implemented within the areas of Education, Health, Agriculture, and Culture, mobilizing people for active participation.



Emergency and Disaster Relief

To help victims of hunger, war, natural disasters, accidents of atomic origin, plagues and other disasters.

Assist and transfer people and rebuild areas affected by this type of disaster.


Help the poorest countries, the world’s poorest people and help them organize their own development initiatives.

Accommodate all types of projects worldwide, including schools, clinics, mini-banks, farming and small-scale industry.

Protection of Natural Habitat

Go to threatened elements of Earth’s Atmosphere, its soil, plants, and animals.

Initiate actions to protect against the abuse of rivers, seas, and forests.

To welcome all kinds of projects aimed at protecting the natural habitat of the Earth.

Organization Building

Serve the general public so that you can participate in many ways in the association’s activities.

Establish educational means for training staff and volunteers.

Form associations, start sports groups and establish a worldwide network of cooperators and activists.

Research and Innovation

To serve the aforementioned activities through the development of methods and systems for their implementation.

Produce and distribute to the public information material, containing specific information regarding the above activities.


Operate solely for charitable and educational purposes.



ADPP Guinea Bissau Guinea Bissau operates to achieve its mission and objectives through the implementation of projects within the following strategic areas:

  1. Increased capacities of small farmers in the areas of agricultural production and food security
  2. Combat and mitigate the effects of Global Warming and Climate Change through promotion of renewable energy use and sustainable production
  3. Training of Teachers for Basic Education with priority in rural areas
  4. Professional Technical Training
  5. Combat for elimination of HIV / AIDS and other epidemics
  6. Community Development in general to promote good hygiene, health, and nutrition.
  7. Cultural development